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To have a first and last name is to have an identity, it is to be someone to remember, to make a difference. We live to progress, to transcend, to build a new destiny. In short, at every step of your life, you build your real name.
Pacheco Pereda stands out, what is transmitted without being taught, that is shared without being asked and that always accompanies you.
We are strongly committed to sustainability, ensuring the well-being of our employees, our value chain and the communities in which we are located.
He grew up in Mendoza, where he learned from a very young age to cultivate, harvest and vinify grapes. He has a degree in enology from the Juan Agustín Maza University. In addition, it has harvested in California and France. He has been working for more than ten years at the Pacheco Pereda winery and enjoys gastronomy, cycling and learning languages.
This Organic Malbec is a tribute to our history and to the land. Inspired by the selection of the best parcel of our Paraje Altamira vineyard that has stony soils, and a careful making to obtain a unique wine that honors its identity.
Present is the outcome of the past and of our origins. Of that was taught to us, everything we learned, and it is marked in our essence.
After years of working the land, we understood that caring for our vineyards was the best way to produce unique wines with true essence.
Generation after generation, the careful selection of vineyards has been a tradition of the Pacheco Pereda family. The best lesson that those pioneers left us.
Our varietal wines are fresh, fruity and easy to drink. Perfect for pairing meals, as appetizers, or simply to have a good drink and enjoy at any time. Made with grapes from the most emblematic wine regions.